A boy chasing the wind, building a dream for ten years▎We are on the road - New Year's message from the general manager of Fambition Heavy Machinery in 2024

Publish Time: 2023-12-31     Origin: Site

The years pass by, and the seasons flow by.In the rush of struggle, the dawn of the New Year once again shines on our doorsteps. The year full of harvest is about to wave goodbye, and the year full of vitality is about to welcome the spring. The New Year’s bell is about to ring, and history will open a new chapter. One page.This year is the tenth year that Zhonghong Heavy Machinery has embarked on the road of R&D and manufacturing, and it is also the thirtieth year since the establishment of Zhonghong Mining.

The year sequence is Chen Xie, and the weather is renewed.After ten years of experience and accumulation, we have grown together with the mining equipment manufacturing industry. We record the history of struggle with our dreams and honors, and measure the mileage we have traveled with our own sweat and footsteps.Socrates said: Everyone has the sun in their heart. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for your dreams.We spent ten years building the sun in our hearts and our own dreams.Using dreams as horses and sweat as springs, chasing the footsteps of the wind, writing the legend of youth. After ten years, I am still a young man chasing the wind.

At the beginning of this new year, we wish all our friends the best and hope you can follow your dreams!
we hope--
I can go with you!Because we also have big dreams, American writer Jack Kerouac said: 'Whenever the sun goes down, I sit on the dilapidated pier by the river and look at the vast sky above New Jersey. I feel that there is something uncultivated.' The land, all the roads, and all the people are heading towards the western coast. Only now do I know that all the young people here are always restless and noisy, because it is that land that makes them unable to calm down. 'Similarly, Our dreams make us unable to calm down, and the sun in our hearts makes our blood boil.

The young man chasing the wind has been building his dream for ten years.We are always on the road.

The past year 2023 was a year in which AI technology shaped the future as never before. We can foresee that the world is moving from the Internet era to the artificial intelligence era, and a disruptive revolution has arrived.In the past 2023, the global 'battle' for key mineral resources has continued to heat up. The market size of key mineral resources required for clean energy technology has doubled, the oil and gas market has achieved huge growth, iron ore prices have remained strong, and non-ferrous metals and rare metal prices have Running at high levels driven by demand.

The past year 2023 has also been an eventful year. Although we have faded away from the shadow of the epidemic, new changes are coming one after another at home and abroad. The dark clouds of the Russia-Ukraine war are still gathering, the armed conflict in Sudan is heartbreaking, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the West Bank has resumed. Frequent earthquakes, fires, and climate problems, global inflation and economic downturn; the troika that drives the domestic economy is sluggish, Evergrande and Zhongzhu Group have experienced explosions, foreign investment has slowed, stock and bond markets have continued to weaken, and global politics , the economic and financial environment is full of uncertainties.

For you and me, 2023 is hard to say easy.However, even if we walk alone in the face of difficulties and setbacks, or we quietly gear up and start again amidst flowers and applause, it should be an experience that every striver of us who sticks to our dreams is accustomed to.Once you have started, even if you have been dreaming for thousands of years, you will still be full of new ideas.The original intention will not grow old with age, and the struggle will always be like when you were young.

We look back optimistically and we record realistically.In the past 2023, with the joint efforts of the company's management and all employees, we have made great progress in various modules such as corporate governance, marketing, R&D innovation, and lean production.

At the governance level, we have formed the prototype of an integrated and global management model with the group company as the core and subsidiaries as the basis. We have also begun to build a risk management system, improved the internal control and audit system, and further improved corporate governance. level.

At the market level, we continue to expand the global regional market. We have formed a stable market situation and gained many key customers in the pan-Russian region, Southeast Asia and West Africa, South America and North America. Our annual revenue and contract signings have exceeded expectations, and we have achieved sustainable growth. Robust capabilities; the establishment of the market center after this year means that an integrated pattern of service stations, operation and maintenance management, spare parts warehouse, overhaul & remanufacturing modules has begun to take shape, completing the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle of building a market system, and will better implement After-service market service strategy, and the concept of customer-centered and providing value-added services to customers.

At the R&D level, we continue to gather talents and strengthen the R&D team; we strive to pioneer and innovate and improve our product lineage; at the same time, we have also made great progress in the intelligent, digital and low-carbon solutions of our products. With the advent of the smart mining era, At this time, we must be the trendsetters of the times.

At the production level, the simultaneous operation of the two factories has greatly improved our production capacity. The improvement and optimization of the supply chain, the standardization and in-depth process, and the good operation of lean production and quality systems are all helping us to produce more high-end products faster and more Efficient and high-quality equipment and products escort you.

In 2023, along the way, we will see so much scenery and many bumps under our feet.We look back one year, look back ten years, and look back thirty years again, and see the tears and smiles left by our brothers, sisters and predecessors at different times——
But looking at the path I came from, I saw a slight hint of green.

Recording is not the reason for recording, and attention is not the end point of attention. Sticking to your dreams and keeping fighting is the only way to continuously move from victory to victory.The journey is long, but there is only struggle.Through struggle, we have overcome obstacles and gone through thousands of mountains and rivers.We must continue to struggle, move forward bravely, and create more brilliant glory!

Looking around, the wave of technological innovation in all walks of life is still in the ascendant. The 'China Circulation 3' new generation artificial sun, Kirin 9000S chip, Loongson 3A6000 processor... Our country's elite talents in various fields continue to create miracles one after another. The use of large language models has brought the development of artificial intelligence into a new stage. Data capitalization and data value-added are common development trends in many industries.As the first group of participants to invest in smart mines and digital mines, we will work with our suppliers, customers and all partners to cooperate sincerely and strive to be the first in the wave of intelligence and digitalization, and contribute to the development of the mining industry. Digital construction creates another miracle.

The bright moon is worn as a 珰, and the red clouds are worn as a ribbon.Thirty is a mature and restrained age. We have set out again to open up new frontiers and expand territory.

We will always adhere to the 'customer-centered' business philosophy and provide customers with systematic, high-quality, efficient and value-for-money services. While continuing to deepen the domestic market, we will further increase globalization efforts and continue to grow bigger and stronger. international market.
We will consistently uphold the business philosophy of 'customer-centered,' providing customers with systematic, high-quality, and efficient value-added services. While continuously deepening our presence in the domestic market, we will further intensify our efforts in globalization, aiming to expand and strengthen our position in the international market.

We will adhere to the existing main models and adopt a differentiated and centralized product portfolio strategy to provide system equipment solutions for underground mine ore production, help customers innovate and add value, and promote the intelligence, digitalization and low-carbonization of the industry. Rapid development.

We will adhere to the corporate strategy of a technology-leading enterprise, continue to develop and expand our technical team, improve our technological innovation capabilities, and transform our R&D strategy from follow-up and application-oriented R&D to advanced R&D, truly becoming a technological benchmark and innovation pioneer in the industry. .

On the basis of accelerating the construction of industrial parks, we must further enhance our lean production capabilities, strengthen the integration of R&D, design, and manufacturing, and improve production quality and efficiency.

We must accelerate the deepening of digital concepts in corporate governance, risk control, internal control, operations, finance, talent, performance and various basic management, use digital to help upgrade management levels, and help transform and upgrade management models.

Time has proven that all dreams are not smooth sailing, but whether it is a still current or a turbulent undercurrent, as long as we regard ourselves as strivers, we will bravely stand on the tide and sail ahead.

The young man chasing the wind has been building his dream for ten years, and we are always on the road.

Happy New Year

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Good news! Fambition won 'Top Ten Mines' of China Metallurgical Mining, and the CEO Mr. Xiaofeng Ning has been awarded 'Top Ten Mines Manager'